Multimedia Art Museum, Moscow | Exhibitions | Kineshma


Unknown author.
Workers Каплинской of a paperboard-mill. Kineshma. 
The beginning of XX century Petr Zhukov.
Installation of a telephone line. District Kineshmansky. 
1913 Petr Zhukov.
Voluntary fire team at Alexander II monument. Village Semenovskoe-Lapotnoe, district Kineshmanskogo. 
1913 Petr Zhukov.
The trading area of Kineshma. 

Unknown author. Workers Каплинской of a paperboard-mill. Kineshma. The beginning of XX century

Petr Zhukov. Installation of a telephone line. District Kineshmansky. 1913

Petr Zhukov. Voluntary fire team at Alexander II monument. Village Semenovskoe-Lapotnoe, district Kineshmanskogo. 1913

Petr Zhukov. The trading area of Kineshma. 1913

Moscow, 19.04.2004—19.06.2004

exhibition is over

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