Multimedia Art Museum, Moscow | Exhibitions | Felice Quinto - The glitter and the glory — the Golden years of New York

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Felice Quinto
The glitter and the glory — the Golden years of New York

Felice Quinto.
Salvador Dali, “Studio 54”, New York. 
The project is presented by a Niles Kummer gallery, Berlin

Felice Quinto. Salvador Dali, “Studio 54”, New York. 1980. The project is presented by a Niles Kummer gallery, Berlin

Moscow, 19.04.2004—19.06.2004

exhibition is over

Cafe des artistes

Kamergersky per., 5/6.

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The project is presented by a Niles Kummer gallery, Berlin

The project is presented by a Niles Kummer gallery, Berlin
